Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Constant Reminder- Krakow, Poland

After weeks of deliberating we disconnected ourselves from the BusAbout loop and decided to fly solo for a while. Eastern Europe was high priority on the list of things to see and places to go. Setting our sights on Krakow in Poland was where our epic adventure began. 

It is said a must do experience in Europe is to catch a night train throughout Eastern Europe. After a solid days travel on train to Vienna we couldn't wait to grab a few beers and jump aboard the night train to Krakow for a relaxing ride ahead. Wrong, wrong and wrong. Our relaxing ride soon turned into being abruptly woken at 3am and told we were in the wrong carriage and that we had a total of 50 seconds to grab all our belongs and run to the next platform to catch another train. Now being told anything in German is scary enough, let alone someone yelling at you in German while your still half asleep. I don't even know what country we were in at the time, I didn't really know anything at that point including the fact that we had no idea if this new train we were jumping on was even going to the right destination. To scared to go back to sleep in fear of waking up in Russia it felt like the longest four hours of my life. Once finally safely arriving into Krakow the fun continued. Poland's currency is zloty as it was 7am no currency exchangers were open, so we had no money. Also, check in at our hostel was 2pm so we had no where to go but the streets. Finding a nice bench in the Market Square we laid underneath the bright blue morning sky and drifted off to sleep in hope that when we woke up all our troubles would be gone and we could finally enjoy the beautiful city we had just arrived in. I like to call that 24 hours of my life a character building workshop, a lesson I don't need to retake anytime soon. 

Back in top form we were ready to take on anything and everything Poland had to throw at us. If you speak to the Polish they will often refer to Krakow as there 'true' capital city. I can see why there all bragging about it, its truly spectacular. The rows of tall pastel houses took me back to the city of Prague. While its clean safe nature reminded me of the lovely Vienna. The best part of it all was that everything in the city was a third of the cost of any others we had been before. It was a travellers paradise, I was completely spellbound. 

The Market Square down in old town is the largest Medieval square in Europe. Spanning 200m by 200m it is filled with bustling life, with many stalls of fresh flowers, traditional foods and great little nicknacks. Although being in old town prices are set at tourist prices. Stepping back a few streets we found a fantastic New Zealand Burger house Moa and had a great little taste of Mexico in another street behind that. But to find some local cuisine all we had to do was head across the main street and into the Jewish Quarter. Cheap and delicious you will find the best traditional Polish cuisine of goulash and dumplings. When going traditional don't forget to knock back the vodka shots, there cheaper then water or maybe thats just because to the polish vodka is there water.  

Part of the lure to Poland was to further our study into World War II and The Holocaust. A few hours out from the city is The Auschwitz Concentration camp and Birkenau extermination camp. After learning so much in Germany it seemed that almost every story of a victims ended in Auschwitz. It was the camp to have the highest death toll in history. The only survivors that came from this camp were a few prisoners that had been forced to work in amongst the camp and of course those who survived after liberation. Although for 90% of Auschwitz prisoners the only way out was through the chimney's of the crematoria. Our guide was a brilliant man who was so knowledgable and has met a large number of Auschwitz survivors. He told us there stories just as they first hand had told them to him, it was truly mind blowing. The things that I was faced with that day were beyond confronting and something that will stick with me for the rest of my life. It was spine chilling to the point where my body just felt numb, as we walked our way down 'The Road To Heaven' in the foot steps of the million victims who walked to there death every hair stood on end. To stand in the exact spot where so many innocent lives were lost is beyond anything that words could explain. It is an experience like no other. What bothers me the most every time I further my study into this horrendous time in history is the fact that after all this no one has really learnt from there mistakes. There are still mass murders, still wars, still acts of racism and social outcasting. Not to the extent it once was but it is still very present in todays society. Which is why I think it is so important to venture out and experience a concentration camp first hand.
"The One Who Does Not Remember History Is Bound To Live Through It Again"- George Santayana 

I am so blessed to have experienced such an amazing culture and dive into some astonishing history. I love the Polish and Krakow is an amazing city to sink your teeth into. Truly a destination in our grand adventure that will always have a special place in my heart and shadow me for the rest of my life.

The Wanderers Daughter xx

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Forever Young Wild Beauty- Wildschonau Valley, Austria

Its my birthday weekend and what better way to celebrate coming of age then with my closest Euro girl pals in the Austrian Alps. Nestled in a small Village in the Wildschonau Valley, meaning Wild Beauty, was the perfect little location to celebrate. I love everything about Austria, the friendly people, the forever rolling green hills, the stunning mountain sides and the lush foliage of its pine woods. Looking out into the Valley it was if I was staring at a painted backdrop, the landscape was beyond surreal. 

Our home for the weekend was at Aspley Ski Lodge, run by an English man Jim who is an ex BusAbout Guide. The lodge was just a short walk away from a lovely gondola ride up the mountain. Where we spent our leisure time in traditional pubs eating and drinking our lives away surrounded by some of the most breath taking views. 

Not far out of the Village is a glacier mountain area where it snows 365 days a year producing the perfect skiing location even in the summer time. What better way to spend a birthday then playing all day long in the snow. I have never been to the snow let alone skied, so waking up I didn't feel as if I had just reached the milestone of 21 where I had become a mature women instead I felt like an over active excited little child. 

It was the oddest experience traveling through the sunny valley and all of a sudden looking up and being surrounded completely by snowy mountain tops. Gearing up I squealed in delight the entire gondola ride to the very top of the mountain. SNOW! white, cold, wet snow all around for miles and miles all I can see is snow. It was at this point that I realised I love the snow. As for the skiing side of things now that was a hate love relationship. I fell, crashed, wiped-out and face planted my way around the slopes. There was a lot of screaming, a few tears and a whole lot of laughing involved throughout the entire day. When we got sick of eating snow we kicked off the skis and ran around the course diving into huge snowy piles where we made snow angles and baby snow men. By the end of the day I had finally nailed it, as I almost elegantly cruised down the slopes it was one of my most happiest moments. It was my birthday and I was skiing on real snow in the Austrian Alps. Never in a million years would I have ever imagined that is how I would be spending my 21st birthday.

 Exhausted we hopped on a gondola and headed back for the base of the mountain. As we drifted 2000 meters in the air James surprised me by popping mini champions in celebration. As we drank in the mountain tops it was the absolute perfect way to end our day. Everybody has been asking me what James had gotten me for my birthday? Well he's already given me his heart and has given me the world so what more could I possibly ask for. 

Back down in the Valley the party was just getting starting, getting spoilt with loads of hugs, kisses and gifts. We all went out for a lovely dinner of burgers at one of the only restaurants the tiny village has to offer at the bottom of the mountain. The party continued on back at the lodge where Jim did a great job in surprising me with streamers, balloons and lights for my very own party. Offering an array of different Austrian flavoured schnapps, including Jims very own home brewed slow-berry schnapps to get the party started. 

To end the night I was surprised once again this time with a great chocolate cake. As everyone sung "Happy Birthday" it was time to blow out the candles and make a wish. But what did I have left to wish for? I was living my dreams on the other side of the world in a magnificent country surrounded by some of the most beautiful people I have ever met in my life and I get to share this huge adventure with the one person that means the absolute world to me.

What more could a girl ask for? 

The Wanderers Daughter xx