The time had come to kiss goodbye the greatest year of my life. 2013 had been a year like no other. Although for years I had dreamed about travelling the world and living abroad it seemed like that day was always so far away, just out of hands reach. Look at me now, the year was about to be over. A year where I had accomplished so much more then I ever could have dreamed of.
We could have found ourselves in countless places to bring in the New Year. We thought about where to venture to long and hard but in the end it only seemed right that we spend it with the people who will make 2014 another one to remember. That was our Manchester family.
The theme in the pub was an 80's night called 'Electric Dreams' smashing together some fantastic costumes I decided to play the part of the iconic Madonna, whilst James went for a Fresh Prince of Belair/Mc Hammer kinda feel. The pub had sold a number of tickets to the event, yet surprise surprise an 80's night in an Australian pub wasn't the place for everyones dreams of entering the New Year with a brighter out look on life. For us it was perfect as we all worked just a couple hours in rotation with ripping up the dance floor and knocking back far to many vodkas. In the end it was a Walkabout staff take over, we had tore the place apart with our usual crump circles and James' now regular worm dance. It was like our own private party as we counted down the last minutes of 2013.
Road trips around Ireland
Wine, boats and the Eiffel Tower
Turning 21 in the snow
Bike rides through Austria
Hidden Islands of Croatia
Spa parties in Budapest
Cinque Terra's treasures
Provincial France
The Rip Curl Pro
Finding a home and a family to go with it
I left 2013 with no regrets and welcomed 2014 with open arms. No resentment of the year I left behind and no resolutions for the year a head. My plan is and will be to just keep on living, be happy, optimistic and let the good times roll while keeping away the bad with £13 bottles of vodka. Life really is to short to not be doing what makes you happy, theres no rules, no guidelines unless you let the influence of how society see's what you should be doing with your life get in your way. In 2014 I will be going no where fast, and I'll be enjoying every second of the ride.
Peace out and Happy New Year.
The Wanderer's Daughter xx